Avoid becoming a victim of fraud. Regularly monitor your account using online banking and review monthly statements. Notify us immediately if any unauthorized transactions occur. Also, go to and follow the steps to report identity theft if your personal information has been compromised.
Report ID Theft
It's crucial if you suspect or know you are an ID theft victim! Operated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the site offers tools to help manage the aftermath of ID theft. It provides step-by-step guidance on what to do and is a trusted, government-backed resource.
IDENTITYTHEFT.GOVConsumer Protection
To access reliable information on consumer protection, report fraud, and learn about your rights. The FTC’s website offers resources on a wide range of topics, from avoiding scams to understanding privacy laws, helping you stay informed and protect yourself.
WWW.FTC.GOVAvoid Clicking Links
Don’t click links received via text or email from known or unknown sources. Manually type in the website URL to avoid downloading viruses and malware onto your devices.
Multifactor Authentication
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication when available and do not use the same usernames and/or passwords for multiple logins.
Personal Information
Don't share personal information with anyone! Keep your Social Security Number, Driver’s License, and usernames/passwords private.
Security Alerts
Sign up for security alerts via text or email when they are available. SFCU offers alerts within Online Banking.
Caution Online
Use caution when engaging with people online. Scammers use social media, dating apps, online platforms, email, and text messages to get personal information.
Create unique, strong and complex passwords. Combine upper/lower case, alpha, numeric and special characters. Consider passphrases vs passwords.
News and alerts
Security Advisor
Visit Security Advisor and stay up to date about current security concerns, types of fraud, and what you can do to protect yourself. Articles and alerts are refreshed regularly and are brought to you by our partners at Stickley on Security.
SFCU is available to assist you with a lost or stolen SFCU Debit or Credit Mastercard 24/7.
Call 877.642.7328 for assistance.
Did you know identity theft occurs once every 22 seconds? With SFCU’s FREE credit monitoring, give yourself the gift of credit score protect. By enrolling in our Credit Score solution, located within online access and our mobile app, you will get alerts when your credit report changes. These alerts provide you with early notice of potential fraud and identity theft on your credit report, so you can take steps to protect your personal information.
Here are some more benefits of Credit Score:
• Daily Access to your Credit Score
• Credit Score Simulator
• Personalized Credit Report
• Credit Report Error Dispute
• Credit Score EducationYou can also see your credit score, download your full credit report, and dispute any errors with the credit bureau securely within the app. Give yourself the peace of mind and protection you deserve — the gift of credit monitoring.
Yes, there are times when we will send you a text. Your security is of the utmost importance to us. If you get an unexpected text, don’t respond until you contact us using an alternate contact method. Remember we will never ask for your social security, credit/debit card number, online password, or PIN. If you are asked to provide such information – contact us by going to our website or by calling us directly.
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