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Driving Sense

All the benefits of leasing with none of the hassle

An auto loan that works like a lease! Get the car of your dreams with lower payments and flexible options with a Driving Sense Loan from SFCU.


Nothing Due at Signing

Forget down payments. Get into your new car with just your signature and no money due at signing.


No Early Termination Fees

Unlike a lease, you can sell, trade, refinance, or pay off your vehicle at any time during your Driving Sense Loan with no early termination fees.


Flexible Mileage Options

Save money by choosing the mileage options that work best for your lifestyle. Driving Sense Loan options between 12,000, 15,000, or 18,000 miles per year.

031-user profile

Titled to You

You can trade in your vehicle at any time because the car is titled to you, giving you more freedom with your auto loan.


Option to Walk Away

Surrender your vehicle and walk away at loan maturity if you're ready for a different vehicle for even more freedom.


View rates
As low as APR*
No money at signing

Get into your new car sooner

Who needs down payments or fees? With a Driving Sense Loan from SFCU, you can get into your new car with no first or last payment due at signing, making it easier to purchase the car of your dreams.

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No early termination fees

Enjoy more flexibility with your auto loan

Whether you want to sell, trade, refinance, or pay off your vehicle, you can do whatever works for your goals with a Driving Sense Loan. Enjoy more flexibility with how you handle your loan without worrying about early termination fees.

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Driving Sense Frequently Asked Questions

  • We appreciate you financing your vehicle with SFCU. We require a copy of your declaration page for the loan collateral (insurance binders expire after 30 days). Notices(s) will be sent if proper proof is not provided. You may ask your insurance provider to supply this if it is more convenient. How to Provide Your Insurance Policy Declaration Page:

    • Upload: Have the Reference # and PIN provided on the letter you received available.
    • Email: (file type: PDF, PNG, TIF or JPG)
    • Fax: 877.419.8521
    • Mail: Sidney FCU, Insurance Tracking Center, PO Box 924281, Fort Worth, TX 76124

    Requirements: continuous insurance with no lapses, Sidney FCU named as lien holder/loss payee, and both comprehensive and collision coverage (or physical damage) with deductibles not greater than $1,000. Note: An Insurance ID Card is NOT adequate evidence of the required physical damage insurance.

    Questions? Call 877.244.8212

    If proof is not provided, we will buy insurance coverage on the collateral and charge the cost to you.

  • We know your credit score’s importance to financial well-being, so we offer Credit Score, conveniently accessed within mobile banking. Credit Score is FREE to our members, and you can check and refresh your credit score and credit report daily without impacting your score. Do you want to improve your credit score to achieve those goals? Whether buying a house, a car, or anything requiring a loan or if you’re going to rent a new apartment or improve your overall creditworthiness, Credit Score can help you.

    With Credit Score, you can set a credit score goal, receive personalized recommendations, and track your progress toward your goal. You can edit your goal anytime, and you will receive messages when meeting milestones to encourage you along the way.

    And there is more! You can access the following features:

    • Personalized Credit Report
    • Real-Time Credit Monitoring Alerts
    • Credit Score Simulator
    • Credit Score Action Plan
    • Credit Score Education

    Are you ready to reach your financial goals? You got this! Enroll in Credit Score today. Ready, Set, Goal!

  • An essential part of your financial health is to keep an eye on your credit score. Credit scores have become such an integral part of our everyday lives. That’s why it’s extremely important that you keep track and understand how your financial decisions affect those three numbers. Our easy-to-use Score Simulator within Credit Score, available online and on the app. The Score Simulator can take the “what ifs” and generate an approximate credit score that will help you see where you stand. The simulator is an easy way to gain valuable insights into your future eligibility for loans and credit cards.

    How does the Credit Score Simulator work? The tool will share how much your credit score might increase or decrease based on your specific financial decisions.

    Financial decisions such as:

    • Applying for new credit
    • Getting a new loan
    • Managing your credit card balances
    • Managing your payment activity
    • Making payments on time
    Discover how different financial decisions can impact your credit score, and financial health while making reaching your goals easier than ever.

    Simulate Your Score. See Where You Stand. Now.

  • At SFCU, we know that choosing the right insurance is an important decision for your financial future. Through our partnership with TruStage, members have a variety of choices so that you can choose the plan that is right for you and your family. Our partners at TruStage offer our members options for life insurance, car insurance, homeowner’s insurance, renter’s insurance, and more.

I went in to get a car loan The process was simple and easy The staff at the branch were friendly and helpful I've never had a better experience getting a loan

— Joyce B

How it works

It's easy to get a Driving Sense Loan with us.

  • 1

    Complete an application

    It takes only a few minutes to fill out the online application.

  • 2

    Get response

    We'll crunch the numbers and let you know if you're approved.

  • 3

    Use the funds

    Purchase or refinance your next car using the funds.

Apply for a Driving Sense Loan


Have a question? Get in touch with us

Enjoy the best of both worlds

With a Driving Sense Loan from SFCU, you can enjoy the flexibility of a lease with all the benefits of a loan. Get a car titled in your name with no first or last payment due at signing and flexible mileage options to bring the car of your dreams within reach.