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Card Rewards

Introduce the card rewards service

Briefly describe card rewards and the primary benefit.


In 1-2 sentences, introduce this product in your brand voice with a focus on the product’s primary benefit.

Redeem your points

E.g., Cash back

Write a short sentence that describes this reward.

E.g., Merchandise

Write a short sentence that describes this reward.

E.g., Travel

Write a short sentence that describes this reward.

E.g., Event tickets

Write a short sentence that describes this reward.

E.g., Gift cards

Write a short sentence that describes this reward.

E.g., Experiences

Write a short sentence that describes this reward.

Have a question?

We're happy to answer your questions! Go ahead and send us a message or give us a call.

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If you are contacted and asked to provide your online banking credentials, passwords or any other SFCU account information, do not share this confidential information! Immediately hang up and call us at the phone number provided on our website during regular business hours. Scammers may try to represent themselves as SFCU staff or create a sense of urgency. Do not become a victim of fraud.